The Parliamentary Network on the World Bank & International Monetary Fund


Founded in 2000, the Parliamentary Network is an independent, non-governmental organisation that provides a platform for Parliamentarians from over 140 countries to advocate for increased accountability and transparency in development cooperation.

The Parliamentary Network is governed by a Board of Directors currently composed of ten members from the continents of Africa, Europe, South America, North America, and Asia who are elected for a two-year term. Hon. Nathan Nandala-Mafabi is currently serving as Vice Chairperson of the global board (2017/2018).

The Network – via its international secretariat, regional chapters and country chapters – reaches over 1000 Parliamentarians in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas. It strives to increase transparency and accountability in the development cooperation process by fostering the oversight role of parliaments and civil society. The Network has a specific focus on multilateral aid and a sub-focus on the work and modus operandi of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the world’s largest multilateral funders.

It provides a platform for MPs and civil society to hold to account their own governments, as well as International Financial Institutions (IFIs), for development outcomes.

Other partners include; Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Inter-American Development Bank, African Development Bank, DFID - United Kingdom, Ministry of Foreign Affairs - The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Finland (2000-2010), Agence Françoise de Development, German Marshall Fund of the United States, Inter-Parliamentary Union, NATO Parliamentary Assembly, AWEPA, AFPPD,


The Parliamentary Network’s mission is to provide a platform for parliamentarians around the globe to advocate for increased accountability and transparency in International Financial Institutions and multilateral development financing. Today, the purpose of the Network is four-fold:

  1. Strengthen the understanding of the work of the World Bank Group (WBG) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) among parliamentarians;
  2. Provide a channel for parliamentarians to inform the WBG and IMF of legislative priorities on behalf of their constituents;
  3. Ensure that the voice of parliamentarians is heard on the subjects in which the WBG and IMF have a key role;
  4. And conduct research to share information among members on topics which are of international concern and interest.


  • Private Sector Development: One of the work foci of the Parliamentary Network is to bring together parliamentarians, representatives of the private sector as well as donor countries to discuss how to improve the environment for doing business in the developing world and how countries can improve their ranking in international evaluations such as the Doing Business Report
  • Aid Effectiveness: As elected policy makers, with knowledge of regional and national budgets, Parliamentarians are in the perfect position to contribute to their country’s development strategies and initiatives that improve the implementation of international aid. International aid has contributed to economic growth, improved social services, funded projects in education, health and livelihoods and provided humanitarian relief in times of crisis. However, there is still much to be done if we are to achieve our global commitment to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs); Parliamentarians must unite to improve the delivery and implementation of aid.
  • Youth Employment: With the youth unemployment rate increasing worldwide, youth job creation has become one of the greatest challenges of international development. The rapid population growth in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa means that a billion new jobs need to be created by 2030 to accommodate this demographic shift. As the world is becoming more and more youthful, we need to ensure that there are enough opportunities for all, and that young people of both genders are able to obtain necessary skills to match these opportunities.


A Parliamentary Network Chapter brings together a group of parliamentarians who are committed to the network’s mission and principles. Chapters can be national or regional and can help to strengthen the position of parliamentarians among development stakeholders.

Parliamentary Network chapters facilitate regular interaction between local parliamentarians and staff in World Bank and IMF country offices, including consultations on Country Assistance Strategies, Public Expenditure Reviews, and World Bank policies and individual projects.


PNWB/IMF Uganda Chapter currently comprises over 40 members from across the political divide.

PNoWB/IMF-Uganda through its Secretariat assists WBG, IMF and other Development Partners to make appointments, set up meetings, disseminate and also secure information to and from parliament. Most importantly, PNoWB/IMF coordinates structured dialogues with MPs, Sectoral Committees and other parliamentary fora.

The Secretariat has an office at the Parliament Annex Building (Queen’s Chambers, Office B4).



Hon. Elijah Okupa

Tel: (+256 772 401936)


Naamara Tumwesigye

Tel: +256 414 392123
Office:Room B4, Queen's Chambers