Quality Health Forum at Parliament


UPAQHES is a Uganda Parliamentary Forum on Quality Health Service Delivery that was established by concerned members of Parliament. Due to the above, committed members of Parliament came together to provide a voice and work for improved quality health service delivery through advocating for appropriate legislation, oversight, monitoring, value for money and creation of awareness on desired quality of care in all health facilities as well as assessing quality in priority health systems areas including but not limited too; health infrastructure, community involvement, health financing, support and information provided by development partners, multiple stakeholder engagements, quality of medicine and medical supplies.

The Uganda Parliamentary Forum on Quality Health Service Delivery brings together members of Parliament and partners to advocate for appropriate legislation and accelerated achievement of quality healthcare by all Ugandans.

The forum aims at contributing to improved quality of life and productivity of Ugandans in line with Uganda’s Vision 2040 whose aspiration is to achieve a healthy and productive population that contributes to social economic and national development.


Sustainable Access to safe and affordable quality health care services in Uganda.


Advocate for increased and sustainable access to safe, affordable and availability of quality health care services for all.


  • Strengthen the capacity of MPs to carry out their roles in improving quality of health services in Uganda
  • To spearhead equity in budgeting for health
  • Strengthen accountability for implementation of quality national programs
  • To support strengthening of leadership and governance for health systems in Uganda
  • To build and develop the capacity of the forum secretariat to support members achieve their Mission


Executive committee

The Forum Patron is the Right Honorable Speaker of Parliament

Hon. Kinobere Herbert - Chairperson

Hon. Alyek Judith - Vice Chairperson

Hon. Kajungu Mutambi Rosette Christine - Secretary

Hon. Ssembatya Edward - Treasurer

Hon. Sebikali Joel - Publicity

Hon. Muyanja Ssenyonga Johnson - Representative Central Region

Hon. Musoke Robert - Representative Eastern Region

Hon. Bigirwa Norah - Representative Western Region

Hon. Oyet Simon - Representative Northern Region

Hon. Anyakuni Esther - Representative Karamoja Sub Region

Hon. Kamugo Pamela Nasio - Women Representative

Miss. Naitego Irene - Coordinator

Miss. Mantreayah Safiyati - Staff

For more information Please find us at,

Plot 16-18 Parliament Avenue Development House on First floor Room 1.26

P.O Box 7178 Kampala – Uganda

Tel: +256414-377768